Thursday, December 18, 2008

Weekly Status -- December 18th

Picked up the pace this week. Close to 5K new material. Running a week behind ‘schedule’, but things are progressing nicely. Also have greatly expanded outlines of the next major sequence.

Chapters 8 and 9 went through the Writer’s Block for critiques. Well received, but there are some issues I need to think about.

Good news--may have solved the ending problem and the length problem. This morning I outlined an ending that will chop off the last 3rd of the current structure and still give a very satisfying ending. This is great news because at the current expansion rate (outline to prose) the book will be WAY too long. This ending doesn’t impact the sequence I would leaves the section intact for the opening of a second book. Best of all, this will probably shave 6-8 weeks off the total writing time.


Here are the vital statistics (from Sunday Dec 14th):

Rough Draft 35363 words
1st Draft 22264 words
2nd Draft 15314 words
Total: 72941 words

And some stats on the support files:
Outline: 22579 words
Brainstorming: 21975 words

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